Definition of Scotch whisky

1. Noun. Whiskey distilled in Scotland; especially whiskey made from malted barley in a pot still.

Exact synonyms: Malt Whiskey, Malt Whisky, Scotch, Scotch Malt Whiskey, Scotch Malt Whisky, Scotch Whiskey
Generic synonyms: Whiskey, Whisky
Specialized synonyms: Drambuie
Substance meronyms: Rob Roy

Definition of Scotch whisky

1. Noun. Whisky made in Scotland. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Scotch Whisky

Scotch fillets
Scotch finger
Scotch fir
Scotch gale
Scotch hands
Scotch kiss
Scotch laburnum
Scotch marigold
Scotch pancake
Scotch pine
Scotch tape
Scotch terrier
Scotch thistle
Scotch whiskey
Scotch whiskies
Scotch whisky
Scotch woodcock
Scotland Yard

Literary usage of Scotch whisky

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Encyclopaedia Britannica: “a” Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature edited by Hugh Chisholm (1911)
"The character of Scotch whisky is much influenced by the manner in which it is matured. ... The great expansion of the Scotch whisky trade of late years is ..."

2. Why Europe Leaves Home: A True Account of the Reasons which Cause Central by Kenneth Lewis Roberts (1922)
""For many years," said he, "Scotch whisky has been the national drink of Scotland. ... Give the Scotch enough Scotch whisky and they'll rule the world! ..."

3. Ireland Under Coercion: The Diary of an American by William Henry Hurlbert (1888)
"Upon my asking him whether the house could furnish anything distantly resembling good Irish whisky, he produced a bottle of alleged Scotch whisky, ..."

4. Ireland Under Coercion: The Diary of an American by William Henry Hurlbert (1888)
"... furnish anything distantly resembling good Irish whisky, he produced a bottle of alleged Scotch whisky, which he put upon the table with a decisive air, ..."

5. The Encyclopedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature and by Hugh Chisholm (1911)
"The character of Scotch whisky is much influenced by the manner in which it is matured. ... The great expansion of the Scotch whisky trade of late years is ..."

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